2nd Week
How do people learn? How did life outside of the classroom impact students? What is the role of the brain and learning? How do the students acquire languages? Is there a role played by emotions in learning? Why many students did became dedicated to Literature and to me? I began to observe how most of my colleagues taught and tried to understand the connections between the above mentioned quarries. Gestalt psychology suggests that everything comes together in the moment of action, and if we want to know why and how students are learning then we have to know how they are making sense of a situation how they are relating to what is being learned. According to Ormrod.J.E, Shunk D. H.earning, Gredler M (2008) Mind Learning Principles are based on research done on animals, postmortem studies, case studies of people with brain injuries and other pathological conditions & Electrical recording and neuro-imaging but it is said that none of the principles 100% perfect. As many agree “Learning” involves both focused attention and peripheral perception and it involves conscious and unconscious processes. When you think about Learning languages and the mechanisms of Learning .It is amazing to learn that a language learner goes through the same steps when learning a language. D.A Wilkins (1976) distinguishes between synthetic and analytic approaches: a synthetic language teaching strategy is one in which the different parts of the language are taught separately and step-by-step so that acquisition is a process of gradual accumulation of parts until the whole structure has been built up. Moreover, left hemisphere of the brain is responsible for language learning & mathematical calculation skill (Learning theory and instruction P 34). Lenneberg (1921–1975) who was both linguist & neurologist was the first to say that language acquisition and cognitive psychology specially concept of innateness. He was in the view when a child reaches 12 years ability of learning languages concentrates to the left side of the brain. Therefore, it is very clearly seen that if you can expose a child to many languages before 12 child finds it easy to learn as both sides of the brain works.